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Chickasaw Community Radio Network

Pontotoc County
Carter County
Garvin County
Johnston County
Brian Brashier - Meteorologist

February is starting off with record-setting afternoon high temperatures. Even though a couple of cold fronts will pass through Oklahoma this week, temperatures will remain near or above average. The next significant cold front will arrive over the weekend with some light showers possible also. As the outlooks show, next week will bring blow average temperatures with above average precipitation.

KCNP is recognized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador for its willingness to improve the nation’s readiness, responsiveness and overall resilience against extreme weather, water and climate events.

Weather-Ready Nation Ambassadors commit to:

  • Promoting Weather-Ready Nation messages and themes to their stakeholders
  • Engaging with NOAA personnel on potential collaboration opportunities
  • Sharing their success stories of preparedness and resiliency
  • Serving as an example by educating employees on workplace preparedness

By being a WRN Ambassador, KCNP is dedicated to helping its listeners become more prepared and safe during a severe weather event.